Erin Neff, is a life coach with a focus on working with women making big changes in their lives. Erin is one of the 15 Women of Influence in the upcoming book
Christy Annis, a lawyer and researcher by trade, was on the Road to Diagnosis, to try and understand a mystery illness that no doctor could diagnose.
Influence as a word has created some confusion, so I wanted to continue this theme to really help people understand what influence truly is
Women Influencers in Puerto Vallarta are helping to change the lives of other women and giving back to their community.
Often the therapist is seen as someone who is “above” the need for their own healing, and yet, they are often inspired by their patients.
Who is it that you are writing this book for? And if the answer is yourself, that is probably not going to be a very inspiring book for other people to read.
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