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Chetumal, Mahahual could see larger buildings if new development plan approved

By Tribune Travel

April 20, 2023

A fresh proposal is being made to change the municipality’s Urban Development Plan (PDU), allowing for higher density structures. The Chetumal PDU is being modified by the Othón P. Blanco City Council in a number of ways to make it possible to build buildings with higher densities.

The updated document is already available, according to Francisco Ortega Lizárraga, Othón P. Blanco Councilor, and it will be presented for review and approval at the end of this month.

“With slightly taller buildings to accommodate larger units and thereby better utilize the available space, we’re going to have a city like Miami”, he said.

He claimed that because Chetumal is surrounded by water, superficial extension has always been an issue.

If approved, he claimed that housing density and density in polygons with potential tourist use would both rise.

Councilor Ortega Lizárraga made a suggestion that Mahahual, Xcalak, and other popular tourist destinations in the area, like Huaypix, would also have their PDU updated, allowing for higher construction densities.

By using structures resembling those in Miami, which has a tourism ecosystem akin to that of southern Quintana Roo, we hope to draw in more investment. Although it is a lengthy project, we must get started right away, he continued.





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