Cruise passenger who fell overboard ship heading to Cozumel rescued

November 29, 2022
A man who fell overboard a cruise ship heading for Cozumel has been rescued. The 28-year-old man was located in the sea Thursday night after falling overboard the evening before.
According to the U.S. Coast Guard, the cruise ship passenger was located Thursday evening approximately 20 miles south of Southwest Pass, Louisiana.
Watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector New Orleans received a call from the Carnival Valor at approximately 2:30 p.m. Thursday, reporting a passenger aboard the cruise ship was missing. Watchstanders then coordinated the launch of several rescue crews to begin searching.
At 8:25 p.m., a Coast Guard Air Station New Orleans MH-60 Jayhawk aircrew rescued the 28-year-old male who had fallen overboard from the Carnival Valor on Wednesday evening.
The aircrew was vectored into the area by the bulk carrier CRINIS who had observed a person in the water. The Jayhawk aircrew hoisted the man onto the helicopter and transferred him to awaiting emergency medical services at the New Orleans Lakefront Airport.
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