El Mangle to become Quintana Roo’s new protected natural area

May 19, 2023
The decree for the creation of the new Natural Reserve of El Mangle, in Puerto Morelos, will be published this year.
The reserve will have an extension of 505.2 hectares, with large wetlands, habitat of diverse fauna such as crocodiles, striped iguanas, spider monkeys, among others.
The land was donated by the estate of the late hotelier Julio Berdegué, owner of the Hotel El Cid. They approached the federal government to offer to turn this area into a nature reserve, in accordance with the late businessman’s wish.
Progress is also being made in the expansion of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, which covers 723,000 hectares, to which 626,000 hectares will be added to create the largest tropical reserve in the Americas after the Amazon.
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