FAA conducts evaluation for Mexico’s return to Category 1 status

September 12, 2023
The AFAC and FAA had a final discussion meeting on Mexico’s Category 1 recovery process last week. According to the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SICT), the purpose was to conduct the final round of reviews on the country’s compliance with the Chicago Agreement’s basic operational safety criteria.
The summit was held in Mexico City. Officials said that the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC) handled all outstanding points from the organization’s audit.
The meeting was organized by the AFAC, a decentralized body of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), for final discussions of the aviation safety audit on Category 1 recovery.
At the conclusion of the meeting, General Miguel Vallin and FAA delegate Robert Ruiz declared that the AFAC had resolved all outstanding points of the audit conducted by such organization.
The AFAC’s head expressed his pleasure with the audit’s final agreements. On behalf of Secretary Jorge Nuño Lara and himself, he thanked the FAA for their participation and cooperation.
Robert Ruiz remarked that throughout the process, the whole AFAC staff, as well as Secretary Nuño, provided support and participation. He acknowledged both organizations’ efforts to conduct an assessment of conformity with the Chicago Agreement on operational safety, which applies to civil aviation.
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