Facemasks no longer mandatory on Mexican airplanes

October 12, 2022
The Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC) recently notified airlines that the use of face masks will no longer be mandatory in airport facilities, waiting lounges, and during flights in Mexico.
In a press release, it is stated that for airport facilities and in aircraft passenger cabins, the use of the mask will no longer be mandatory.
Actualización sobre el uso del cubrebocas en instalaciones aeroportuarias y en las cabinas de pasajeros de aeronaves. ? #AFAC_mx pic.twitter.com/5PGkRCqxpq
— AFAC (@AFAC_mx) October 12, 2022
However, if any person or group is detected with any symptom related to COVID-19 or any respiratory disease, the concessionaires and permit holders of public service air transportation and airports should recommend the use of this to prevent any infection and/or contagion to other people, and always have a sufficient number of masks available to be provided and used if necessary.
According to the agency’s communication, the decision was made after considering that the ambulatory and final waiting rooms in airport facilities are large and well-ventilated spaces, and that aircraft use a high-efficiency filtration system (HEPA) that removes 99.9% of particulate matter, bacteria, and viruses.
This step is being taken after the modification of the “Guidelines for the Healthy Continuity of Economic Activities Prior to COVID-19” this week, which establishes the measures to be executed within the context of the general strategy for the New Normality.
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