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High occupancy rates for long weekends in Puerto Morelos

By Tribune Travel

May 08, 2023

For the long weekends in April and May, hotels in Puerto Morelos reported an occupancy rate of 70%, according to Miguel Cámara Ruiz, the secretary of sustainable tourism.

Despite the fact that it is not the peak travel season and only a few weeks after the Easter holidays, Ruiz claimed that Puerto Morelos continues to be a popular destination for both domestic and international tourists, with high occupancy rates.

At the end of April, Puerto Morelos had accumulated occupancy rates of 71%, he claimed, citing data from the Association of Hotels of Cancun.

We continue to implement promotion strategies through our Hola Puerto Morelos website, which shows the activities that can be carried out thanks to the jewels of nature that we have, such as the Ruta de los Cenotes, the coral reef, and its jungle, part of the experiences that tourists can enjoy.

According to Guillermo Morales López, the Coordinator of Civil Protection for Puerto Morelos, lifeguards in the Ventana al Mar neighborhood keep watch over the city’s public beaches.

The city police, navy, and National Guard also provide assistance by conducting ongoing surveillance patrols to ensure beachgoers’ safety.





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