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Maya Train to be tested in Cancun this July

By Tribune Travel

May 09, 2023

According to Javier May, the Maya Train’s first convoy will begin testing on July 8 in Cancun. May announced on Monday that the project’s static and dynamic testing period would start in the southeast of the nation.

“There will then be a period of static testing following the arrival of the train. According to Javier May Rodriguez, general director of the National Fund for Tourism Promotion, “dynamic tests, or the bearing on the track of the first train, will start in August

The vehicle will travel 15,000 kilometers as part of the operational tests, according to Maite Ramos Gómez, director of the Alstom Mexico company building that section. Evaluations of the water, electricity, and door services will be made using a real-time diagnostic technology system called HealthHub, she added.

Worktables to transport the cabin and wagons from the manufacturing facility in Ciudad Sahagn, Hidalgo to Cancun are currently being carried out.

Section 4 of the electrified road, which runs from Izamal, Yucatán, to Cancun, has been built and is 120 kilometers long. It is quantified as 240 kilometers overall because it is double, May continued.





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