Officers in Puerto Morelos trained in LGBTTTIQ+ policing

May 29, 2023
Puerto Morelos police officers have received LGBTTTIQ+ policing training. Officers attended a course on Wednesday to advance their efforts to eliminate discrimination in all of its forms.
The Director of Sexual Diversity, Miguel Alfonso Martn Montalvo, explained that it is critical that police officers become aware of and understand the Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination.
According to him, officers must understand the definition of discrimination, which is any situation that impedes the exercise of human rights and is motivated, among other things, by sexual preferences.
The course is taught by Edgar Mora Ucán to 45 municipal officers.
The course, given to 45 members of the municipal corporation in the Cabildo Hall of the Municipal Palace by Edgar Mora Ucán of the LGBTTTIQ+ collective Crculo Social Egalitario, was attended by the secretary, Alfredo Edgardo Valdez de León.
Mora stated that the goal is to avoid any type of discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual characteristics while adhering to the principles of dignity and respect.
He stated that there is a National LGBTI+ Protocol that states that instances of justice administration in which security corporations of first instance or first responders participate must have a specialized area as well as personnel trained in social work and psychology.
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