Traffic in Cancun diverted to make way for the Nichutpé Vehicular Bridge

September 28, 2023
The Nichutpé Vehicular Bridge is being built on land, so the city of Cancun has started a one-lane traffic diversion. At kilometer 13, a lane was temporarily closed, according to the Traffic Directorate.
The Cancun Hotel Association claims that because the project is properly thought out, traffic won’t likely be disrupted even if some lanes may be blocked to traffic for a day.
Planning was completed eight months ago, according to Eduardo Dominguez, director of the Hotel Association of Cancun, Puerto Morelos, and Isla Mujeres. The lane restriction has a negligible effect on traffic because the city constructed a detour at kilometer 14.
A lane was shut down around kilometer 13 in the direction of the airport, according to the Cancun Transit Directorate. The work being done to reach the Nichupté Lagoon includes the lane closure.
Early in 2024 is when the Nichutpé Vehicular Bridge is expected to become operational. Photographed on September 22, 2023, is Ingenieros Civiles Asociados (ICA).
The Cancun Hotel Zone to Kabah Avenue is where work is now being done. The bridge that will eventually span Cancun’s Nichupté Lagoon and link the Hotel Zone to the mainland is currently being built on land.
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