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Tulum attracts interest from the Middle East

By Tribune Travel

May 04, 2023

Travel agencies from 10 countries in the Middle East and North Africa have shown interest in working with the Mexican Caribbean, announced Jorge Mario Molina Pérez, Tulum’s general director of tourism and economy.

The official is attending the Arab Travel Market Fair, which began May 1 in Dubai. This interest is a sign of the excellent response that Tulum has had in this international event.

During these four days of the fair, 50 business appointments have been formalized and information has been given to more than 250 people, including executives from several tour operators in the region.

This fair was an enormous showcase for tourism in Quintana Roo, as it hosted more than 2,000 exhibitors from 150 countries.

The city official pointed out that the Middle East and North Africa are very important attractions in the long term, since investors from this part of the world find very attractive what they call “green gold,” which is the nature of southern Mexico.

Quintana Roo receives about 100,000 visitors from these countries each year, so by 2024, the Mexican Caribbean will be another of the preferred destinations for tourists from North Africa, just like cities like Paris, London and Barcelona.





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