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Tulum’s tourist shelter capacity to be increased

By Tribune Travel

June 01, 2023

Jessica Jaqueline Martnez Barrios, coordinator of Municipal Civil Protection, announced that the capacity of Tulum’s urban and tourist shelters will be increased due to increased population and tourist presence.

The municipal official explained that the current number of shelters is 64, and the total capacity to house victims is 6,275, but this adjustment is being considered, particularly in encroachment zones, which are vulnerable areas.

She stated that the process of revising and adapting anticyclonic shelters is ongoing in collaboration with agencies from all three levels of government. They are nearing the end of this process and will be ready if called upon, as the school facilities are in excellent condition.

Martinez Barrios also stated that the municipal capital has 39 urban shelter sites and 25 in different communities.





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