20 percent of La Paz beaches illegally blocked for tourist access
April 27, 2023
According to a recent survey by La Paz officials, approximately 20% of the city’s public beaches are unjustly closed off to tourists by local landowners.
Due to a problem with the nearby El Saltito beach’s closure of the beach access, authorities just finished an entire survey. In that instance, a resort owner restricted access to a beach that they thought should only be used by visitors.
The public has only recently been allowed access to the beach.
The municipal government of La Paz launched an investigational effort they call the Beach Access Release Program due to the persistent problems with beach access between visitors, locals, and landowners.
La Paz officials have been inspecting the neighborhood beaches for the past few weeks to make sure there is open access for residents and visitors. They are collaborating with landowners to ensure legal observance where it is not possible.
El Saltito, Las Cruces, and Tesoro Escondido beaches have all had public access restored as of yet thanks to the Beach Access Release Program. These beaches were closed to the general public for more than ten years before being reopened to visitors and locals.
By reporting the problem, visitors can assist in supplying details regarding the prohibited beach access. Municipal officials in La Paz have activated a unique button on the App La Paz tool that anybody can use to report beaches that are closed to visitors or locals.
Even without Internet access, they have taken measures to ensure sure the software works in remote regions.
They promise to get in touch with the landowner again after the initial meeting to make sure the state and local laws are being followed.