41 sea turtle nests rescued in Los Cabos

September 20, 2023
This Monday, members and volunteers of the Municipal Sea Turtle Protection Program, headed by biologist Gabriel Olvera Guevara, attended to a significant number of nesting reports, which led to the timely collection of 41 nests.
The reports were issued at three main points: in the hotel zone of San José del Cabo, in the coastal area of the Estero San José del Cabo State Ecological Reserve, and on Punta Gorda beach, located to the north of the municipality of Los Cabos.
Along with the rescues, hundreds of turtles were born in the hatching pen of the well-known hotel El Presidente, which are now ready to reach the sea; therefore, this week will begin the release program with the various educational institutions, associations and citizens in general who have requested to participate.
Finally, biologist Gabriel Olvera Guevara, thanked the citizens and the staff of the hotel zone for promptly filing the reports and following the protection protocol; in the same sense, he recognized the work and commitment of those in the municipal area and the group of volunteers in responding to the call.
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