Hoteliers to be certified to fight child exploitation in Los Cabos

July 26, 2023
Recent efforts have been made by the business community and representatives of the three levels of government to try and stop child, labor, and sexual exploitation in Los Cabos, particularly in the downtown and marina areas of Cabo San Lucas.
The National Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children and Adolescents in the Travel and Tourism Sector (CCN), an instrument that seeks that on a voluntary basis, the tourism industry seeks the necessary mechanisms to protect children and adolescents against any type of exploitation, is being implemented by the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) and the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur) in order to eradicate this problem in tourist destinations like Los Cabos.
The CCN commits the tourism sector to raising consumer awareness, protecting minors’ rights against sexual and labor exploitation, and enhancing community quality of life. In this regard, Lilzi Orcí Fregoso, executive president of the Los Cabos Hotel Association, commented that member resorts are undergoing training to become recognized as places that don’t engage in behaviors that endanger children’s health and safety.
We have always worked with the local, state, and federal governments on this issue as the Los Cabos Hotel Association and as the voice of all the members. However, it should be noted that this is a federal program, and we are analyzing whether it will see certifications as such. Right now, we are specifically in some work tables, which are headed by the General Secretariat of the State Government.
Orcí Fregoso asserts that holding a CCN certification will look to:
– Promoting the growth of tourism and the steadfastness of its visitors by projecting an image of social responsibility, quality, and safety.
– Increasing employee loyalty, stability, and competitiveness. Positions the company’s and its brand’s good standing in its communities and with governments.
– Allowing for the development of security-related criteria that are in line with the respect for human rights.
He also emphasized that the badge’s main function is to enable wearers to recognize when a child is being abused inside the hotel, so they can follow the appropriate protocol and properly notify the authorities.
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