Los Cabos
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Summer is one of the best times of the year for Los Cabos restaurateurs.

By Tribune Travel

June 29, 2023

According to Paloma Araos Wilkes, president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac) Los Cabos, sales are maintained during the summer vacation season because national tourism vacations, with Los Cabos being one of the most popular locations.

“Something very flattering is that we have the presence of foreign tourism all year long; they come from different parts of the United States, for being one of the closest tourist destinations to them and where they find a great variety of gastronomy, which is one of the main reasons they travel to this municipality,” the mayor said.

80% of the regional, national, and international dishes served in Los Cabos, she said, are made with local ingredients. These dishes are served and can be found in restaurants, fondas, markets, and regular beach clubs. “The fortune of this destination is that it has options or market for all our visitors,” the restaurateur businesswoman said.

According to Paloma Araos, the Canirac in the municipality of Los Cabos strives hard to meet all of the dining needs and satisfy even the most discerning palates, based on the experiences that visitors have while visiting the location.





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