Puerto Vallarta
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Alaska Airlines to fly Las Vegas – Puerto Vallarta

By Tribune Travel

November 17, 2023

Alaska Airlines has announced the launch of four weekly flights from Las Vegas, Nevada to Puerto Vallarta International Airport beginning December 14.

Flights currently depart from Seattle, San Jose, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Puerto Vallarta and Los Cabos are the destinations where Alaska Airlines has the most frequencies, and while it is true that the latter has more flights due to its proximity to the United States, Puerto Vallarta is on par in terms of occupancy.

In the airline’s projection for 2024, there is an increase in occupancy. The American tourist is looking for something different in Vallarta as an incentive than what they are looking for in Los Cabos. People are always coming back and it is because of the good service that is offered both as an airline and as a destination.





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