Puerto Vallarta
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Art & Market Bazaar kicks off this Thursday in Marina Vallarta

By Tribune Travel

October 26, 2022

The 2022 Art & Market Bazaar will open on the Marina Vallarta boardwalk this Thursday, October 27 at 6:00 p.m. with 200 merchants, food producers, artists, and artisans in attendance.

Antonio Garcia, manager of the Residents Association of Marina Vallarta, stated that the customary flea market would start this Thursday and remain until May 2023 because it has grown to be a popular wintertime destination in the area.

The food area has grown to be one of the areas that people are most interested in visiting. According to the organizer, “The participants in their stalls will provide a wide variety of food from traditional Mexican cuisine to international delicacies from Argentine, Italian, Thai, and Indian cuisines.”

There will also be a wide selection of handcrafted ornaments manufactured by the artists themselves, as well as works of art like paintings, sculptures, fabrics, and handicrafts.

The location of the Art & Market has been expanded in light of the popularity of the traditional bazaar.

This time, it will cover over a kilometer of the Marina Vallarta boardwalk, from Proa Street at the access to Vela Street in the hotel district.

This commercial and touristic event draws a large contingent of outside tourists as well as a sizable influx of residents who are drawn by the items and promotions on offer, particularly around Christmas, which turns it into a true Christmas bazaar.





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