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Biologist Jaime Torres Steps Down After Two Decades Leading Estero El Salado

By Tribune Travel

July 08, 2024

Jaime Torres Guerrero, after 22 years of dedicated service, is stepping down as the director of the Estero El Salado Protected Natural Area in Puerto Vallarta. His departure has caused shock among environmentalists. In an interview, Torres explained that he is leaving voluntarily to focus on his family and personal projects, expressing satisfaction with his accomplishments but emphasizing the need to protect the park from ongoing urban development.

Torres highlighted that the local, national, and international communities now recognize Estero El Salado as a natural attraction rather than a dumping ground. During his tenure, he implemented formal protection measures, expanded the protected area from 169 to 208 hectares, and launched a rescue project to improve the estuary’s conditions.

Despite significant progress, challenges remain, such as the need to delineate the estuary’s borders to prevent damage from nearby residential areas. Torres acknowledged the impact of urban development and stressed the importance of continued maintenance.

His contract ends on July 1, and he will hand over his duties to a new biologist. Torres expressed a desire to focus on his family and other projects, citing a lack of benefits and time as reasons for his departure.





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