Eagle’s Wings Foundation hands in over 4 million pesos in donations

November 01, 2022
This past Tuesday, the Eagle’s Wings Foundation, headed by Mrs. Eva Contreras Sandoval, presented more than 4 million pesos in financial support to 32 civic associations in Bahía de Banderas and Puerto Vallarta.
The Eagle’s Wings Foundation donated money to civic associations once again so that they could keep working on initiatives that would benefit the public.
The civic associations of Puerto Vallarta and Bahia de Banderas have received resources for twenty-four years. This year, 4.16 million pesos were distributed among them.
The Villa Group once again joins in doubling the donation of the timeshare partners, allowing for greater support and benefit to all those less fortunate in society. According to Ms. González Contreras, it may look simple, but requires a joint effort.
The following organizations received checks this year:
- Becas Vallarta, AC
- Fundación Andrea 3.21
- Ángeles en Libertad
- Horizonte de Paz
- Casa Hogar Máximo Cornejo
- Clínica de Rehabilitación Vallarta Santa Bárbara, AC
- Sistema DIF de Puerto Vallarta
- Sistema DIF de Bahía de Banderas
- Ahora es Tiempo de Dar
- Sociedad Animal
- And others
It is important to note that the Clínica de Rehabilitación Vallarta Santa Bárbara, AC received a special honor this year for being the most transparent association.
Perla Villalvazo Amaya, president of the DIF System of Bahia de Banderas, and María de Jesús López Delgado, president of the DIF System of Puerto Vallarta, thanked the Eagle’s Wings Foundation for the donations, which will be of great help to support more individuals in need through their government programs.
With information from Tribuna de la Bahía.