First Puerto Vallarta Promotional Photography Contest Announced

November 16, 2023
The Tourism Department The Tourism Department announced the First Puerto Vallarta Promotional Photography Contest 2023announced the First Puerto Vallarta Promotional Photography Contest 2023 , in which anyone may participate, including minors, either with a professional camera or even a cell phone, and attractive prizes will be awarded.
Participants may compete with a maximum of five photographs, but the theme will be exclusively related to the Day of the Dead, the catrina or altars and offerings, and of course, it must be about Puerto Vallarta.
The photographs must be of excellent quality, but the equipment with which they are taken does not matter, they can even be taken with a cell phone, explained photographer Alfonso Lepe, one of the organizers of the event. There is also no restriction as to the age of the contestants; minors may participate.
The photographs must be delivered to the Tourism Office from 8 am to 6 pm until December 15, in a size of 12 x 18 inches, mounted on any rigid material.
In a sealed envelope with the participant’s pseudonym must contain a USB with the original digital file. If it is with a camera from 5 to 50 megapixels and with a mobile device from 2 to 10 megapixels.
The jury will be made up of Javier Pérez, Moisés Madariaga, Carlos Farias and César Langarica. First place will be awarded 10,000 pesos in cash, second place 5,000 pesos and third place 3,000 pesos.
With information by Carolina Gómez Aguiñaga for Tribuna de la Bahía.
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