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From Vallarta to the World… Folkloric Group “Azteca” Embarks on Its Sixth European Tour

By Tribune Travel

July 08, 2024

The group, led by Professor Juan Antonio Salcedo Padilla, consists of 35 members, including 14 dance couples, a mariachi band, and singers Herenka & Curiel. They will participate in several prestigious festivals, continuing their tradition of representing Mexico internationally.Founded with students from the CECYTEJ Puerto Vallarta dance workshop, the group has won multiple state and national competitions. They also organize the Vallarta Azteca International Folklore Festival and operate a private dance school. They have toured globally, promoting Mexican culture and Puerto Vallarta.Their travel funding comes from performances, raffles, and sponsorships from the Municipality and the State. They emphasize the need for further support to cover travel expenses and costumes. Vallarta Azteca is celebrated for its live music, vibrant costumes, and captivating traditional dances, earning them prestige over two decades





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