Puerto Vallarta
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Interim mayor asks to comply with the “Anti-noise Law” after a lawsuit against Gaby restaurant

By Tribune Travel

April 16, 2024

Residents of Puerto Vallarta rallied in solidarity at Gaby restaurant amidst a legal challenge over playing Mexican music. Interim mayor Francisco José Martínez Gil stressed the significance of adhering to the “anti-noise law” within commercial establishments, emphasizing its universal application.

Interim mayor with officials giving a conference

He pledged ongoing engagement with downtown residents and businesses to raise awareness about the law.

Chef Julio Castillón, owner of Gaby’s restaurant, faced legal action over disturbances from neighboring retirees.

In response, the local community gathered to support the restaurant, highlighting the importance of Mexican music to the region’s cultural identity.

However, the mayor reiterated the importance of compliance with anti-noise regulations despite the community’s support.







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