Puerto Vallarta
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The bypass from La Cruz de Huanacaxtle aiming to provide a 15-minute connection from the highway to the Puerto Vallarta International Airport

A New Road is Planned from La Cruz de Huanacaxtle to Ixtapa

By Tribune Travel

January 25, 2024

The bypass from La Cruz de Huanacaxtle to Puerto Vallarta, along with the new Guadalajara – Vallarta highway, has been outlined to reach the Ixtapa delegation in Jalisco, connecting to State Highway 544.

Covering a distance of 27 kilometers, the route involves cutting through hills in the Brasiles landfill area in Bucerías and crossing farmlands in the outskirts of San Vicente, the El Caimán trail, and San José del Valle, before reaching Ixtapa.

This significant roadway, aiming to provide a 15-minute connection from the highway to the Puerto Vallarta International Airport, is currently in the land preparation stage with embankments. The next steps include constructing pillars, elevated bridges, and other facilities for the bypass.

The project in Bahía de Banderas will feature four junctions. Pillars have already been installed near the Mascota and Ameca rivers for the bridge connecting the roads. According to the Federal Government, this project is expected to be completed around the middle of this year.







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