Puerto Vallarta
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Pend Oreille County donates fire truck to Puerto Vallarta

By Tribune Travel

July 31, 2023

Pend Oreille County Fire Department, Washington State, donated a firefighting truck and equipment to the Civil Protection and Fire Department of Puerto Vallarta.

Gerardo Alonso Castillon Andrade, the head of the fire department, explained that it is a 1994 Ford vehicle with eight cylinders, a gasoline engine, 4×4, automatic, and the ability to fight both forest and urban fires. It also has a 1,000-liter water tank that can be used specifically in tight spaces, like the city’s southern and central business areas.

It should be noted that municipal governments haven’t spent much money buying fire trucks, and most of them have been donated. According to a CPS Noticias report from last May, the Fire Department’s only B-14 scale truck isn’t working, and there are a dozen other unrepaired units, including four ambulances, whose timely arrival at an emergency can mean the difference between life and death for people. The number of these vehicles that have been fixed has not yet been disclosed by the administration.

Mayor Luis Michel and the group that travels with him to the United States visited the central station of the McAllen Fire Department. They were led there by the first commander Juan Angel Gloria.

In a discussion about topics like budget, number of elements (more than 170 operatives), physical condition, and health of these, they learned about the operations, logistics, training, and prevention processes that this corporation carries out.


With reporting by Carolina Gómez Aguiñaga for Tribuna de la Bahía.





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