Puerto Vallarta Airport working normally so far

October 09, 2023
Tropical Storm “Lidia” has not yet caused any operations at the airport to be suspended, according to Crysthian José Amador Lizardi, administrator of the Puerto Vallarta International Airport. However, they are monitoring any indications from the Federal Agency of Civil Aeronautics and the authorities of the three levels of government.
As an airport group and as an airport we have been preparing since we have knowledge of the phenomenon with very well established standards and protocols and if it were the case we will be attentive to this phenomenon.
Although there was significant rain over the weekend, the airport administrator confirmed that no flights have been canceled and that operations have continued as usual today despite the storm.
He advised travelers to pay close attention to official sources to learn the storm’s path and to their airlines in case there are delays or cancellations in the upcoming hours.
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