Puerto Vallarta beaches suitable for recreational use during winter holidays

December 19, 2023
Puerto Vallarta’s beaches have passed the tests and are in optimal conditions for recreational use during this winter holiday period. Thousands of tourists arriving for Christmas and New Year’s will be able to enjoy the destination’s natural resorts with confidence.
Prior to the winter holidays, the Jalisco Commission for the Protection against Health Risks (COPRISJAL) announced that it had taken seawater samples from ten beaches in the state that are subject to monitoring, with positive results: all ten are suitable for recreational use.
To evaluate the quality of seawater for primary contact recreation, the most effective bacteriological indicator is enterococci, with a parameter of 200 NMP/100 ml as the maximum limit to define that a beach is or is not suitable for recreation.
With information by Miguel Gonzales for Tribuna de la BahÃa.
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