Puerto Vallarta
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Puerto Vallarta exceeded 450 thousand cruise passengers in 2022

By Tribune Travel

January 10, 2023

In 2022, Puerto Vallarta welcomed over 450 thousand cruise passengers on 186 ships, compared to a little more than 108 thousand passengers in 2021, when the industry was reactivated following cancellations of arrivals due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Last year, this tourist destination recovered the majority of the cruises that had been canceled due to the sanitary emergency.

According to data from Puerto Vallarta’s National Port System Administration (ASIPONA), 18 cruise ships arrived in January and February, bringing the first 56 thousand passengers.

In March, 21 ships arrived with nearly 48 thousand cruise passengers; in April, 23 ships arrived with nearly the same number of passengers; and then came the low season, which began in May and lasted until September, with 29 ships arriving with 103 thousand 802 passengers.

The high season began in October with the arrival of 23 cruise ships and nearly 50 thousand passengers, followed by 26 ships with 76 thousand 350 cruise passengers in November and, finally, 28 ships with 76 thousand 863 visitors in December.

There was an outbreak of COVID-19 in cruise ships arriving in Puerto Vallarta in early 2022. As a result, passengers who did not present a negative test were not allowed to disembark, as part of International Health protocols, even though all cruise ships could arrive.

More than 190 ships are expected this year, with 30 ships arriving in January alone, including double and triple arrivals.





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