Puerto Vallarta
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Puerto Vallarta hotels adjust rates within agreement limits

By Tribune Travel

January 26, 2023

Hotelier Gabriel Igarta stated that Puerto Vallarta hoteliers have little leeway in terms of the rates they are offering this winter because they have agreements derived from the Gala Vallarta tourism meeting, and it is not advisable to raise prices excessively.

The director of the hotel Las Palmas by the Sea stressed the importance of combining the winter season with the February-March two-month period, which has proven to be very productive for all tourist segments.

He emphasized that hoteliers must be cautious due to the inflation factor, even though we can currently speak of prosperity; occupancy in the first two weeks of the year has remained high and is expected to remain so.

This year’s recovery of tourists from the United States, particularly Canada, has been consistent, and trends indicate that it will continue until the end of March.

Hotel occupancy during these days has remained above 80 percent, and it is expected that the winter average will close at the same figures close to 90 percent.





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