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Rehabilitation of Las Animas Pier is expected to be completed within this year

By Tribune Travel

February 09, 2024

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Works is making progress on the Maritime Connectivity Model, a big plan announced by the Governor with the Ministry of Tourism. Recently, they inspected the tourist pier at Las Ánimas in Cabo Corrientes.

As part of this effort, they’re reinforcing pillars, removing the pier’s entrance plaza, and installing a temporary support pier. The main goal is to have the new structure ready for residents and tourists by 2024, creating a safe, modern, and accessible place that meets community needs and attracts tourists.

Rehabilitating the tourist pier at Las Ánimas is a key step in improving maritime connectivity. These changes will benefit local development and enhance the experience for those enjoying Cabo Corrientes’ natural and cultural attractions.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Works is committed to community progress, working hard to meet expectations. This collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism is a significant move towards boosting tourism and connectivity in Jalisco.







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