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Restaurants full for Mother’s Day
May 11, 2023
The National Chamber of the Restaurant and Catering Industry (Canirac) predicts that the Mother’s Day celebrations will last all week, although most of the restaurants in Puerto Vallarta looked crowded this May 10th.
Said the president of Canirac Vallarta, Jorge Carbajal:
The expectation of the restaurants in general was very high. Right now, I am working in one of my restaurants and we are saturated with work. We hope that all the other restaurants will have the same concentration of customers. We were expecting 80 to 90 percent, I think we met that expectation, but also for the rest of the evening the restaurants are ready for dinner.
Nevertheless, many families wait until the weekend to celebrate their mothers, since this year the celebration falls on a day that is a workday for many workers.
In different years we have seen this behavior because there are families that do not like the concentration of so many people and prefer to celebrate on another day. On the weekend, we hope to have some participation.
Ultimately, Carbajal qualified this May 10 as a success, as in previous years, except for the two years of the pandemic.
With reporting by Carolina Gómez Aguiñaga for Tribuna de la Bahía