Surfeando Sonrisas to hold an event with a cause in Vallarta

May 10, 2023
Looking to having a greater culture of inclusion and that children with disabilities try new things like sports, a parasurfing clinic will be held by the association “Surfeando Sonrisas”, this Saturday, May 13th, at Camarones Beach in Puerto Vallarta starting at 8:00 am. Surfeando Sonrisas is a non-profit project to introduce children with spinal cord problems to this activity for the first time and enjoy its physical and mental benefits.
Through these types of activities, the participants will be able to strengthen their skills, confidence and self-esteem, as with the help of the sea and nature, the physical and mental health of the beneficiaries of these clinics can be improved.
Surfeando Sonrisas is dedicated to improving the quality of life of children and young people with any type of disability through the practice of water sports, in this case surfing; the benefits are improved personal relationships, tolerance, self-confidence, leadership, inclusion, among others.
This weekend’s activity is open to a group of up to 50 people with disabilities.
On the other hand, they are inviting volunteers to participate. Requirements are: to be over 18 years old, know how to swim, know this discipline, eager to support and have fun.
To register a person or be a volunteer, visit their website: www.surfeandosonrisas.org
With reporting by Fernanda Bojórquez for Tribuna de la Bahía
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