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The U.S. CDC is implementing new entry requirements for dogs, impacting all travelers bringing their pets across the border

By Tribune Travel

July 08, 2024

Starting August 1st, 2024, the U.S. CDC is implementing new entry requirements for dogs, impacting all  travelers bringing their pets across the border. The rules apply uniformly to all dogs entering the U.S. regardless of the length of stay or purpose of travel. 

The new regulations mandate that dogs must be at least six months old, appear healthy, be microchipped, and have a completed CDC Dog Import Form. Additionally, dog owners must provide proof of rabies vaccination or veterinary records, contingent on the countries the dog has visited in the previous six months. These rules apply even to service dogs, U.S. citizen dogs, and dogs born in the U.S. 

If the dog has visited high-risk countries, stricter documentation, including a rabies serology titer or quarantine in a CDC-registered facility, will be required. These changes emphasize the importance of preparing in advance and ensuring all necessary documentation is in order to avoid entry issues. 

Dog owners should check specific requirements based on their travel history and ensure compliance with the new regulations to facilitate smooth entry into the United States.  





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