Puerto Vallarta
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Vallarta celebrates 106 years of becoming a municipality and 56 years of being a city

By Tribune Travel

May 28, 2024

Vallarta is celebrating a birthday!! 106th anniversary as a municipality and 56th as a city and so there is a historical photography exhibition that was inaugurated in Plaza de Armas on may 16th exhibition will go on until may 31st, and it’s showcasing the city’s history from its founding to present day. It will be displayed in Ixtapa, Las Palmas, El Pitillal, Las Juntas, Las Mojoneras, and Boca de Tomatlán.

Traveling exhibition for the 106th anniversary of Puerto Vallarta

The exhibition includes 20 large-format images by photographers like Oscar Rosales and Rodolfo Pulido, highlighting significant moments such as the first airfield (1934), the first airplane landing (1931), and the Cuale River bridge construction (1959). It also features notable visits by figures like General Lázaro Cárdenas and Presidents Nixon and Díaz Ordaz.

A video with local personalities, including engineer Jesús Palacios Bernal and chronicler Juan Manuel Gómez Encarnación, shares memories of Puerto Vallarta.

Population enjoying exhibition for the 106 years of Vallarta

The exhibition aims to help new generations appreciate Puerto Vallarta’s past, showcasing its cobblestone streets, tile roofs, festive main square, and early settlers’ daily life.







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