Vallarta surpassed 408K cruise passengers in 8 months in 125 ships

September 18, 2023
According to figures published by the Administration of the National Port System (Asipona) of this city, Puerto Vallarta has already surpassed 408 thousand cruise passengers in the first eight months of this 2023, while in the same period in 2022, there were slightly over 237 thousand passengers.
In terms of international cruises and passengers, this tourist destination continues to develop in the shipping industry, surpassing the projections for 2022. From January through August of this year, 125 ships were received, compared to 104 at the same time previous year.
It is now low season for cruises in Puerto Vallarta, but this industry is projected to revive in October. According to Asipona’s monthly calender, this location will only see four arrivals this month.
And it will be every Tuesday when the Carnival Panorama arrives, bringing almost 4,300 passengers and 1,413 crew members.
For the rest of 2023, the Ministry of Tourism of Jalisco anticipates the arrival of more than 45 cruise ships, totaling 171 ships and over 530 thousand people, with an anticipated economic spill of roughly 722 million pesos.
With reporting by Brenda Beltrán for Tribuna de la Bahía.
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