Puerto Vallarta
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Vallarta hosted the third meeting to a world free of child sexual abuse

By Tribune Travel

March 11, 2024

The International Convention Center of Puerto Vallarta recently hosted the third international meeting organized by the Peace Foundation and Te Protejo México, in partnership with associations from the United States and Canada.

The aim was to combat child sexual abuse material on the internet, a problem where Mexico ranks high. Eduardo Cruz Moguel, president of the Peace Foundation and Te Protejo México, highlighted the importance of discussing issues like sexual tourism and child exploitation in tourist hubs like Puerto Vallarta.

He stressed the need for collaboration among the United States, Canada, and Mexico to find solutions. Mexico is identified as a major producer of child sexual abuse material, with cities like Puerto Vallarta becoming hotspots for such activities. There’s a call for cultural change and better enforcement, as well as technological advancements to combat this issue.

While Mexico is working on improving its efforts, there’s acknowledgment that it lags behind countries with stronger laws and protection measures for minors. Collaboration with international agencies like the FBI, along with information sharing between the countries, is seen as crucial. The meeting highlighted the importance of involving various stakeholders, including hoteliers, businessmen, and government agencies, in addressing this pressing issue.








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