Weekend occupancy reached 80% in Puerto Vallarta

November 27, 2023
The weekend occupancy saw an increase in both domestic and foreign travel, confirming expectations for a solid year in the hotel industry.
According to preliminary hotel occupancy estimates, the weekend in Puerto Vallarta ended with a rate of more than 80%.
According to Luis Villaseor Nolasco, director of the Puerto Vallarta Tourism Promotion Trust, this is attributable to increased national tourism from Mexico City, Guadalajara, the country’s north, and the entire Bajio region.
This year, the tourist attraction is breaking records in terms of visitor arrivals and hotel occupancy, according to Villaseor.
The growth in the number of flight seats and operations at the international airport reflects these factors.
As a result, the official was convinced that the 75 percent average annual occupancy rate would be surpassed this year by two or three points above 2022, which was already regarded as the best year of the century in Puerto Vallarta.
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