Whale Watching Season Begins: Advocating for Responsible Navigation in Bahía de Banderas

December 17, 2024
The humpback whale watching season officially kicked off on December 8 in Bahía de Banderas and will run through March 23, 2025. Biologist Astrid Frisch, president of Ecología y Conservación de Ballenas (Ecobac), is urging responsible navigation to protect these majestic creatures.
Every year, at least one collision between boats and whales is reported, causing harm to the whales and posing risks to passengers. To prevent such incidents, Frisch recommends maintaining low speeds. This season, 204 permits were issued for whale-watching tours.
Abandoned fishing nets also pose a danger, with entanglements being a significant threat. The Whale Entanglement Assistance Network (RABEN) is on alert to address any emergencies.
Humpback whales travel 8,000 kilometers from Alaska and Canada to reproduce in the warm waters of Bahía de Banderas. Standing up to 16 meters long and weighing 40 tons, these giants are a vital part of the region’s biodiversity and tourism.
“Protecting the whales is a shared responsibility,” Frisch emphasized, reminding us of the 25th anniversary of Mexico’s NOM-131 regulations, which ensure their conservation.
With information from RODRIGO LOPEZ BECERRIL your name, CPS NEWS
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