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Hospiten tells us about Comprehensive Medical Checkup

By Tribune Travel

March 31, 2023

The Comprehensive Medical Check-up includes a variety of diagnostic tests and medical consultations with different specialists that are tailored to your age, sex, lifestyle, and background.

With the convenience of receiving care at the same facility, where all medical tests are completed quickly and without leaving the facilities, it is a completely individualized check-up.

A chronic disease’s prognosis is improved by early detection in the pre-symptomatic stage (before symptoms appear), which increases life expectancy and lowers mortality. This is the general justification for routine medical exams. This is true, but even when the effectiveness of early detection and intervention has been evaluated through carefully planned experimental studies that minimize bias, this condition has not always been able to be demonstrated.

When screening for diseases with a serious prognosis, such as cancer, it must be considered that there may be false positive results (a test that indicates having a disease or injury but then it is nothing). These results frequently cause unnecessary anxiety.

The danger of overdiagnosis, which involves identifying changes that are unlikely to persist and eventually lead to disease, is also crucial.

It must be emphasized that getting a medical test does not guarantee you will not get sick. After a medical examination, it is not unusual for a new illness or an unexpected death to occur. This is due to the fact that medicine cannot predict all diseases, most likely because they have not yet manifested or given symptoms.

Importance of check-up elements

The medical history and physical examination are the most crucial components of medical exams, which is another important idea to keep in mind. It is still the most crucial tool for making diagnoses and choosing the right tests to run (risk factors) based on each individual.

The check-up entails an exhaustive study of the person and the pertinent tests are carried out for their age group, previous illnesses, risks and symptoms. We try to avoid unnecessary and repetitive tests.

In general terms, these tests will be carried out:

– General analysis.

– ECG and ergometric test (if applicable).

– Low radiation chest CT and abdominal ultrasound (if applicable).

– Mammography and bone densitometry (if applicable)

– Gynecological or urological assessment.

– Otorhinolaryngological and ophthalmological assessment.

– Colonoscopy (if applicable)

– Depending on age, risks and history, other additional tests will be carried out.

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