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Be Hot with Coffee Spa Treatments

By Tribune Travel

February 28, 2022

You may drink coffee for the stimulating caffeine and the wonderful aroma. However, you can also infuse your beauty routine with the invigorating effects of your wake-up ritual. It is easily done by reusing coffee grounds when your coffee pot is empty. So, take note of these delightful-smelling DIY coffee spa treatments.

Coffee Body Exfoliant

Coffee is a diuretic, it draws water out of the body. Many people use coffee scrubs on their thighs to eliminate puffy skin. Scrubbing coffee grounds on your skin can temporarily reduce the appearance of lipodystrophy (colloquially called cellulite). Furthermore, the effects can last about seven days.


Caffeine stimulates dilation while the scrubbing motion increases circulation, plumping up the skin and making lipodystrophy look less obvious. In addition, coffee grounds contain antioxidants, and they can increase collagen production.

4 Tablespoons olive oil
6 Tablespoons very finely ground coffee
2 drops of tea tree essential oil

Combine all ingredients well and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. This mixture will keep for several weeks. To use, scoop out a small portion and gently buff in a circular motion on your body. Rinse and apply your body moisturizer.

Coconut-Coffee Foot Scrub

The delicious blend of coffee and coconut oil, combined with the luxurious scent of vanilla extract, is a perfect combination of natural ingredients to repair rough skin. Coffee is full of antioxidants and coconut oil helps locking moisture, so it’s ideal for your skin.

1 cup coconut oil
½ cup ground coffee
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

Blend ingredients together. Prepare a bowl of warm soapy water and soak feet for 10 minutes. While soaking, apply 1 teaspoon of the scrub to your feet, using a circular motion to exfoliate the dead skin. Rinse feet in warm water, pat dry and apply your foot lotion.


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Antioxidant Face Mask to de-puff tired eyes

Adding coffee into a morning face mask will rejuvenate and keep your skin glowing all day long. Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, and caffeine helps unpack your under-eye bags or lighten up dark circles. The area under your eyes is a lymphatic channel that drains poorly, and caffeine helps remove water from the system.


2 tablespoons freshly ground coffee or used grinds
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
3 tablespoons yogurt
1 tablespoon honey

Mix all ingredients together and apply a light coat to face. Let sit for 15 minutes. Then, remove with tepid water and then splash cold water on your face.


Note: Always ground coffee very fine so you don’t scrape your skin or clog the drain.

Now, after trying all these coffee beauty recipes, I would recommend living by the “Coffeology Philosophy”: “Espresso” yourself, stay grounded, better “latte” than never, take life one sip at a time, take time to smell the coffee.






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