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What happens during Holy Week 2022

By Tribune Travel

March 25, 2022

Holy Week 2022 begins on April 10, and for millions of Christians around the world, it’s a sacred time of remembrance and celebration. The different events of Holy Week follow the final days of Jesus Christ before his crucifixion, and what happens on the days of Holy Week is based on the Biblical gospels. The dates for when is Holy Week align with these stories and Jewish Passover, and it’s through these stories that scholars have determined the Holy Week timeline and the four main events: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. On these Holy Week days, Christians gather together in homes and churches to reflect on the meaning of the gospel story.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week, commemorates Jesus’ return to Jerusalem after teaching throughout Israel. As he entered the city, his supporters greeted him by waving palm branches lining the road in front of him. Palm Sunday is one of the most joyous of all the events that take place over the week. Palm branches are used to decorate churches, and attendees wave them during services. It’s a Holy Week occurrence that Christians believe fulfilled Biblical prophecy and reminds them of their faith in God.

Related: Difference Between Holy Week and Easter

Maundy Thursday

According to the Biblical story, Jesus and his disciples returned to Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish Passover. Scholars identify the start of Holy Week based on this date on the Jewish calendar. During the Last Supper, Jesus began the ritual of washing his disciples’ feet and serving communion. On Maundy Thursday, these ceremonies are remembered and repeated. It is a solemn day in the Holy Week calendar because it foreshadows Christ’s death.

Good Friday

Good Friday, the day of Jesus’ death, is one of the most significant Holy Week days. However, what happens on the days of Holy Week varies depending on where you are in the globe. Some churches and communities undertake entire reenactments of this day. They follow the Via Dolorosa or the stations of the cross. Good Friday is the most solemn of the Holy Week activities. Most Christians will be clad in black on this day.


Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday is a holiday observed by Christians and non-Christians alike. It marks the end of Holy Week. Easter is a celebration of faith, hope, and new life. This day commemorates the day Jesus rose from the grave and appeared to his followers, according to the Bible. The day begins with Sunday church services, followed by a supper shared by families. Decorating eggs, gifting Easter baskets, and hunting for Easter eggs are all traditional Easter Sunday pastimes.

As Holy Week 2022 approaches, it’s important to remember and reflect on the stories behind these days. No matter your religion, it’s a story of love and new life, and with the coming of spring, it’s truly an exciting time of year. As churches begin to countdown the days to when is Holy Week, make plans to experience these celebrations for yourself.





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