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Celebrate Mother’s Day in Mexico

By Tribune Travel

May 09, 2023

There are several holidays in May that mark the beginning of summer, but one is especially significant. Mother’s Day is a significant holiday that honors the contributions and support of the women in our lives. The holiday has gained popularity all over the world after having its roots in early Christian festivals. Mother’s Day in Mexico is a reflection of the country’s strong family values and Catholic heritage. There are specific Mexican traditions in May to honor mothers, even though the holiday is similar to those in the US.


Origins of Mother’s Day


The history of Mother’s Day in Mexico can be linked to the reverence for women and goddesses in early cultures and religions. This reverence for the Virgin Mary was extended as Christianity spread throughout the world, and Mothering Sunday celebrations became customary. The official Mother’s Day holiday grew in popularity in the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

A Mexican journalist by the name of Rafael Alducin proposed in 1922 that Mexico recognize Mother’s Day as a national holiday. It is now a widely observed holiday in homes and neighborhoods across the nation. Of all the holidays celebrated in May in Mexico, Mother’s Day best captures the essence of what Mexico is all about.

Family at a table celebrating Mother's Day in Mexico

When is Mother’s Day celebrated in Mexico?


In the US, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May every year, so the exact day changes each time. Mother’s Day is always observed on May 10th in Mexico, though. When Mother’s Day first became a holiday in Mexico, it fell on a day that was payday for the majority of people, allowing families to enjoy a special celebration.

Families in Mexico still come up with special ways to honor and celebrate Mother’s Day even though it doesn’t always fall on a weekend. Mexican Mother’s Day is a day set aside every week to honor women for the enormous contributions they make to their families, no matter what day of the week it is.


How to Celebrate Mother’s Day in Mexico


While Mother’s Day celebrations in Mexico and the US are similar, Mexican customs also include extras like mariachi serenades, distinctive mass services, and school performances. When Mother’s Day falls on a weekday, these celebrations are especially common. Stores advertise sales, schools practice musical numbers, and restaurants quickly book reservations in the weeks before Mexican Mother’s Day.

Throughout the month of May, Mexicans show their appreciation for their mothers in a variety of ways, from making their own cards to purchasing expensive gifts like perfumes and floral arrangements.


There are many celebrations and traditions in Mexico during the month of May, but Mother’s Day is the most important one. It pays tribute to the mothers and wives who support their families. The main focus of Mother’s Day celebrations in Mexico is showing love, respect, and appreciation for mothers. This can be done in a variety of ways, from lavish brunches to children’s performances. In May, families everywhere should take the time to honor and appreciate their mothers and make enduring memories as a family.





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