Hospiten tells us about irritable colon or irritable bowel syndrome

December 20, 2022
The primary symptom of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is abdominal pain that is typically relieved by bowel movements, is distension (bloating brought on by abdominal distention, gas, or meteorism). Other symptoms include altered bowel habits (changes in frequency and/or consistency of the stool) without the presence of an organic disease. Its frequency has risen over time, it affects adults and kids equally. Its symptoms have a big influence on the quality of life.
There are numerous psychopathological elements at work, including altered gastrointestinal motility, visceral sensitivity, changes in the intestinal flora, sensitivity to particular foods, and psychological and/or emotional abnormalities (stress, for example, plays a causal or exacerbating role in irritable bowel syndrome and its symptoms).
There is no precise study or test to identify the condition, and it is wrongly thought that an irritable bowel is the same as a swollen gut. Clinical diagnosis is made by doing a thorough medical history and physical examination, then employing the appropriate analytical tests to exclude infections and organic disorders to reassure patients that there is no underlying organic pathology (fearful thoughts of being ill can act as a trigger for symptoms of constant irritable bowel syndrome).
For treatment to be effective, a positive relationship between the doctor and patient must be fostered, as well as one with the patient’s family. Dietary therapy is one of the various therapeutic choices (remember that there are no banned foods, and instead each person must learn how to identify the foods that exacerbate their symptoms and then exclude them from their diet).
Drugs are available to treat each symptom of irritable bowel syndrome, such as constipation, diarrhea, or stomach discomfort, in addition to a psychosocial approach, even though they cannot treat the condition itself. After being diagnosed, the patient is told that the illness is lifelong and that symptoms will not always be present and instead will fluctuate over time. Most importantly, that this is a benign condition.
It is advised to eat more frequently, in smaller portions, at regular intervals, chew your food well, and eat while you are calm. When faced with difficult circumstances, we can consider alternatives like stress-relieving activities or, more significantly, seek medical care rather than self-medicate.