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Let’s Celebrate Mother’s Day in Mexico

By Tribune Travel

May 09, 2022

Of all the holidays in May that usher in the arrival of summer, there’s one that stands out. Mother’s Day is a meaningful holiday honoring the women in our lives who have made sacrifices and supported us. While the holiday dates back to early Christian festivals, it has spread around the world. Mother’s Day in Mexico reflects the culture’s familial values and Catholic heritage. The celebration looks similar to those in the US. However, there are a few distinct Mexican traditions to honor mothers in May.

Where Mother’s Day comes from

Women and goddesses commanded high respect in ancient societies and faiths. As Christianity spread over the globe, this translated to worshipping the Virgin Mary. Returning to home churches on Mothering Sunday was part of this worship. The official Mother’s Day holiday began to expand throughout the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s. In 1922, a Mexican journalist called Rafael Alducin lobbied for it to be become a national holiday in Mexico. It is still a national holiday observed in households and communities across the United States. While there are other Mexican holidays in May, Mexican Mother’s Day represents the country’s most essential ideals.

Mothers Day in Mexico

Mother’s Day in Mexico

Mother’s Day celebration is on the second Sunday in May in the United States. Thus, the date changes every year, but the date in Mexico is always the same: May 10. When Mother’s Day first debuted in Mexico, it was a payday for most inhabitants. It allowed families all throughout the country to celebrate in style. Even though Mother’s Day does not always fall on a weekend in Mexico, families find unique ways to commemorate the occasion. Mexican Mother’s Day is a day set aside to recognize mothers for all they do for their families. It doesn’t really matter what day of the week it happens on.

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How to Celebrate Mother’s Day in Mexico

Mexican Mother’s Day customs are comparable to those in the United States: family brunch, flowers, and presents. However, celebrations in Mexico usually include mariachi serenades, special mass services, and school performances. This is true especially when the holiday falls on weekdays. Stores will begin advertising sales in the weeks leading up to Mexican Mother’s Day, schools will begin organizing musical performances, and restaurant reservations will begin to fill up. There are a million ways Mexicans appreciate all that mothers do in May. They range from handwritten cards to pricey perfumes and flower arrangements.

In May, there are a handful of Mexican traditions and holidays. The most important one is Mother’s Day. It honors the women who are the cornerstone of families. Mother’s Day celebrations in Mexico range from elegant brunches to children’s pageants. But the most important thing is that we show our mothers how much we love, appreciate, and respect their positions in the family.





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