The First Touch
September 16, 2021
Today, I know that you already know what we are going to talk about. This phase after making eye contact with our wine and perceiving the aromas it has to offer. What is coming is like finding someone you like and making the first touch.
Let´s imagine arriving to a nice place, looking around and there is that person, someone who catches your eyes. So, the first step could be to find a moment to make eye contact. Then of course to make an approach… I don’t know if this is common but, in my case, if this person smells well, they will get my attention. And then, my friends, we need to talk with this person, find out a hint of their story and decide if we want to go further. I mean, to get to know this person in a deeper way.
I prefer to see wines like this, as meeting someone. They could be nice, happy, interesting, seductive, impressive. Or it could be not our kind of person. However, being available to meeting new people and learning more from them is a way of enriching our life experience. So, as wine lovers, knowing more kinds of wine gets us closer to developing our range of aromas and, of course, flavors.

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Yes! The time of talking about flavor is here. I preferred to see it as I was telling you. This is the phase of deciding if we are going to meet this wine deeper. So far, we have seen its color, brightness, body…complete eye contact! Now, it’s time to get closer to our glass, to perceive its aromatical notes. It could be promising a nice taste of fruits, flowers, minerals, chocolate, vanilla, an explosion of notes! Or maybe it’s shy, a little bit quiet but still catching our eyes because we want to discover more, giving it time to reveal its full personality.
And like this, being so close, almost guessing stories, regions, weathers, there comes a small taste. Like a subtle kiss, we find out if these promises at our noses are being fulfilled, and here is where the whole magic enfolds you. All your senses involved in this experience will get to know this wine better. They will guide you to decide if you are slowly falling in love with this wine, to make you want some more. Or maybe it is not your kind of wine, but still has a learning experience.
To make it easier to identify flavors, I always remember a tongue chart a teacher of mine showed me once. At the tip of our tongues is the perception of sweet taste. On the sides of our tongue near the tip we perceive the sour flavor. On the sides of the tongue towards the cheeks is the perception of salty taste. The bottom of our tongues we will sense the bitter flavor. Finally, at the center of our tongue there is the umami flavor.
By the way, umami is a Japanese term used to describe dishes with a “delicious and deep” flavor. This flavor unites the sweet, sour, salty, and bitter flavors all in one!
This time we will evolve our experience to a complete set of sensory moments. I hope you find that beautiful wine that keeps you curious and talking to knowing it deeper. And if it doesn´t catch you, just be grateful of living the experience of trying new wines and expanding your knowledge of what you like and do not like.
Be aware of all the moments you are living and enjoy them with all your heart.