Puerto Vallarta
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Fiestas Patrias ! Celebrating Mexican Independance Day

By Tribune Travel

September 09, 2024

Join the vibrant celebrations in Puerto Vallarta! Experience the Grito de Independencia on September 15th, followed by fireworks and live music, then enjoy the Independence Day parade along the Malecón on September 16th

Evening through Midnight Festivities

The Plaza de Armas will come alive with a family-friendly celebration filled with live music, dancing, traditional Mexican food, mariachi performances, tequila, and other spirits. The highlight of the evening, of course, will be the passionate shout of “¡Viva México!”

At 11:00 PM on September 15th, the traditional **Grito de Independencia** will take place at the Presidencia. This event commemorates the historic “Grito de Dolores,” considered the spark that ignited the Mexican War of Independence. On the early morning of September 16, 1810, Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, alongside Ignacio Allende and Juan Aldama, called the people of Dolores (now known as Dolores Hidalgo in Guanajuato) to rise up against Spanish rule by ringing the church bells.

After the Grito, the church bells ring once more, followed by a spectacular fireworks display at Los Arcos del Malecón.

September 16th – Independence Day Parade

The celebrations continue the next day with the **Independence Day Parade** at 11:00 AM. Be sure to catch the vibrant procession featuring school contingents, the fire department, charros, and skirmishes, all making their way along the scenic **Malecón** in Puerto Vallarta.

Gobierno de Puerto Vallarta





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