Tejuino, drink of the gods

December 02, 2021
It’s on the corner, in the market, in the plaza, outside the stadium, in the tianguis, and outside the school; but most importantly, it’s right when you need it: at noon, when the heat is at its peak. We’re talking about the tejuino. Needless to say, the best spot to enjoy it is the Malecon of Puerto Vallarta.
Delicious drink made from corn and considered one of the most representative of Mexico. It may be in the same tier as tequila, even. It is, without a doubt, an emblem of our roots and a tribute to our ancestors, and it is, as it was known: “the drink of the Gods,” as representative and charismatic as our own pre-Hispanic history.
You can make it with nixtamal dough and piloncillo, leaving it to ferment in a clay pot for 2 to 3 days. Then you transfer it to another pot with ice and serve it very cold.
Fermented foods and beverages have been a daily and ceremonial custom in several communities in Mexico since pre-Hispanic times.
The ancient Mexicans called corn “teocinte,” a Nahuatl term that means “food of the gods.”
Experts agree that the word tejuino is of Nahuatl origin, as it is derived from the word tecuin, which translates as “beat.” According to the above description, tejuino is the “drink of the gods.”
To preserve its greatness, this beverage has preserved its origin and retain its original flavor. Very important is to respect its artisanal manufacturing process. Thus, you protect the maximum flavor and goodness of this product known as tejuino. Its manufacturing process also takes into account high hygienic standards. Rumor has it that, because of its consistency, it is ideal for reducing hangovers, which is why this drink sells best on Sunday mornings.
Make your own tejuino
1 kg of corn dough
1 kg of piloncillo
3 liters of water
Lemon and salt to taste
Crushed ice to taste
Bring the water and piloncillo to a boil until the piloncillo melts.
Separately, in a small amount of water, grind the dough in a blender and add it to the boiling water.
Form a kind of “atole” and squeeze the lemons when it is almost cold.
Allow it to ferment for 2 to 3 days, preferably in a clay pot covered with a clean blanket.
Result: a thick “atole” with a distinctive color. Serve the fermented “atole” with plenty of crushed ice, the juice of the remaining lemon, and salt (to your taste), and pour from one glass to another to thoroughly mix.
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