Puerto Vallarta
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The Birds of Puerto Vallarta

By Tribune Travel

November 24, 2021

Let us talk about the birds of Puerto Vallarta. The great biodiversity of the Bay of Banderas area, where Puerto Vallarta is located, includes plants and trees that make up the evergreen semitropical forest where life has thrived in many ways. Insects, reptiles, mammals and birds have made this forest their habitat for longer than one would care to know.

On this occasion, let’s focus on the winged inhabitants of this zone. If you are a practitioner of bird watching – whether you consider it an art, science, trade or hobby – you will feel at home in Vallarta’s forests, as it is the native or transferred home, permanent or temporary, of a large number of bird species.

birds of Puerto Vallarta
Yellow Headed Parrot (Courtesy)

Among the native birds you will find long-billed hermits  and yellow-headed parrots, which live in the area all-year round.  During summer the least tern will be around for you to admire it on its journey to South America. In winter plenty of hawks, shorebirds, teals and other species will come and coexist with the native guys. They will gladly share your attention and eagerness to watch them. A special mention is worth for the blue-footed bobby, found only on the Marietas Islands. In fact, the Galapagos Islands is the only other place in the world where these special beird exist.

Longed Billed Hermit (Courtesy)

As you grow familiar with the different kinds of birds, you will learn to recognize their songs and calls. Each one will be competing to be more beautiful than the next one. All of them will be your companion no matter if you live here year round or if you are a snowbird yourself!





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