Difference Between Holy Week and Easter

March 08, 2022
The advent of spring infuses the earth with optimism and new life, from snow melting to trees blooming. The Easter Sunday date celebrates the arrival of spring and one of Christianity’s most important festivities. There are various notable dates during Holy Week, such as Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Many practitioners, however, may not be sure about what Holy Week and Easter are. Take some time as Easter week 2022 approaches to study about the significance of these events.
When is Holy Week?
Holy Week is the week preceding Easter. However, the exact date varies each year because it is based on the Jewish Feast of Passover. Easter Palm Sunday always kicks off the week. According to tradition, this was the day Jesus traveled to Jerusalem. Then, disciples greeted him by waving palm branches. The week continues with Maundy Thursday, the Last Supper Day, and Good Friday, the crucifixion of Christ. The dates for Holy Week in 2022 are April 10 to 16.
What is Holy Week?
Holy Week commemorates the final events of Jesus’ life before his crucifixion. Many Holy Week rituals honor these traditions. Palm branches decorate churches around the world on Easter Palm Sunday, and many followers wave them during services or braid them into crosses. The Holy Week festivities commemorate the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, when the practice of foot washing and communion was inaugurated. When it comes to Holy Week, it’s a very solemn week that concludes with Good Friday, the day of Christ’s death. Churches are the organizers of these Holy Week activities, but they are available to individuals of all religions.
What is Easter Sunday?
Easter has become a popular festival celebrated by both Christians and non-Christians, but what exactly is Easter Sunday? If you’re unfamiliar with Biblical tradition, you might believe that the Easter Sunday date represents the date Jesus died. That day, however, is Good Friday. For Christians, Easter is the day he resurrected from the dead. This concept of new life has become associated with the beginning of spring, and for non-Christians, the emblems of Easter Sunday are flowers, bunnies, and eggs. Regardless of your religious beliefs, Easter Week 2022 will undoubtedly be a time of hope as we look forward to summer and a return to normalcy.
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What are Some Easter Activities for Families?
If you’re looking for Easter activities for families, there are both religious and secular options. Attending the morning church service is the most important event for many people on Easter Sunday, but regardless of your beliefs, a huge family feast is a wonderful way to celebrate. Other traditional Easter activities for families include an Easter egg hunt, gift-giving Easter baskets, flower planting, and racing across the yard with an egg balanced on a spoon.
Easter Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. It is both a time of solemn meditation and a celebration of fresh life and hope. During Easter Week 2022, we will see signals of new life in the natural environment as well as in our civilization. Whatever your beliefs are, take time on Easter to be with family and celebrate the arrival of spring.