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What is the deep tissue massage?

By Tribune Travel

January 17, 2022

Deep tissue massage is a form of therapeutic massage. It has grown in popularity in recent years. Deep tissue massage is a technique that aims to reach deeper structures of muscle and fascia tissue, also known as connective tissue.

It uses many of the movements of chiromassage, although the pressure is usually more intense. It is more focused on releasing muscle tension or knots (known as “adhesions”).

Deep tissue massage therapy is similar to Swedish massage. However, by using deeper pressure, it is more beneficial for releasing muscle tension. The focus is on the deeper layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia (the protective layer surrounding muscles, bones and joints). Deep tissue massage is primarily used to treat musculoskeletal problems, such as strains and sports injuries.


Deep tissue massage is beneficial to both the body and the mind. Relaxation is the emphasis of other massage treatments. Deep tissue massage aids in the treatment of muscle pain and stiffness. It can also assist you in mentally relaxing.

Benefits of deep tissue massage for pain relief

A 2014 study found that this massage helped reduce chronic low back pain. The authors compared its effects to those of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen.

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They have also reported that it helps with pain in sports injuries, fibromyalgia, plantar fasciitis, sciatica and tennis elbow (epicondylitis).

On the other hand, it appears that deep tissue massage also helps with hypertension. In this regard, a study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that people’s blood pressure decreased after a single 45- to 60-minute deep tissue massage.

Another advantage of deep tissue massage is that it relieves stress. In the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, a 2010 meta-analysis indicated that massage methods including deep tissue lower stress hormone levels and heart rate. They also promote the release of oxytocin and serotonin, which improves mood and relaxation.

Massage can improve a person’s range of motion, immune system strength, and overall sense of well-being. According to the authors, while Swedish massage is for people who merely want to relieve stress, deep tissue massage can help with more serious aches and pains.





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